Sweet sherry vinegar, in luck

On the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Regulatory Council of the Denominations of Origin Jerez-Xéres-Sherry, Manzanilla de Sanlúcar and Vinagre de Jerez, there has been the best news for Sweet Jerez vinegar: its inclusion as part of the family of Jerez condiments after two years of bureaucratic processing in Europe.

The aforementioned incorporation of Sweet Sherry vinegar to the Protected Designation of Origin leaves open the use of the term balsamic at the discretion of the wineries producing the aforementioned condiment, expanding to three the category in which dry Sherry vinegars and dry semi-sweet sherry vinegars.

In this sweet sherry vinegar, the use of concentrated musts rectified with an amount of 150 grams of sugar/liter is authorized, which is key in sweet balsamic vinegars.

Sherry vinegar, the Andalusian passion at JRSABATER

At JRSABATER, as producers of vinegars with Sherry Designation of Origin since 2004, we are in luck after this designation of sweet Sherry vinegar. Thus, our manufacturing and bottling plant in Jerez de la Frontera is part of the city’s Regulatory Council of Wines and Vinegars, in full operation since 2007 with the first batches of Vinagre de Jerez Reserva, manufactured and aged 100% in said facilities.