JRSabater is committed to energy efficiency: new photovoltaic plant in Cabezo de Torres

At JRSABATER we are committed to quality and sustainability, both in our production processes and in the design and creation of all our products. We are therefore pleased to announce an exciting project that will help us reduce grid energy consumption and reduce our impact on the planet: a photovoltaic plant on the roof of our facilities in Cabezo de Torres.

Our future photovoltaic plant is another step in our commitment to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability

The installation of this photovoltaic plant, carried out during 2021, generates 364 kWp in its first phase and will be able to generate up to 595,885 kWh in one year, saving 208 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, a great step for JRSABATER in its commitment to sustainability within the continuous improvement of its quality and environmental management systems.