Sweet sherry vinegar, in luck

On the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Regulatory Council of the Denominations of Origin Jerez-Xéres-Sherry, Manzanilla de Sanlúcar and Vinagre de Jerez, there has been the best news for Sweet Jerez vinegar: its inclusion as part of the family of Jerez condiments after two years of bureaucratic processing in Europe. The aforementioned incorporation…


JRSABATER participates, from October 9 to 13, 2021, in the 36th ANUGA international food fair, the highest benchmark in the agri-food sector, held at the Kölnmesse in Cologne (Germany). This year ANUGA has 233 of the most important agri-food companies in the world in which the greatest advances in the sector are presented and that…