Avocado and cream of Modena salad

Balsamic cream of Modena Merry

Merry White Wine Vinegar


2 red onions, 150 ml Merry Sab white wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 2 avocados, feta cheese, extra virgin olive oil, salt and Merry Sab balsamic cream of Modena.


1) Cut the onion into julienne strips and set aside in a bowl with Merry white wine vinegar and sugar to marinate for four or five hours.
2) Cut the avocado into small pieces and place it, along with the feta cheese and the marinated onion, on a large plate.
3) Season with salt, olive oil and the balsamic cream of Modena Merry Sab.
4) Enjoy it!